What is a flyover patio and why would you want one?
Popular in the hot tropical climates of North Queensland, flyover patios are attached to float above your existing roof, providing extra height, further natural light and most importantly an additional access point for cool air to flow through your outdoor living area.
During the summer months we all like to retreat from the sun's rays and that usually means we relax beneath our patios. But avoiding the heat can challenging when your patio lacks height and ventilation. That is why flyover patios have become so popular in warmer climates. The raised roof provides excellent ventilation, allowing hot air to rise and then escape. The breeze can be captured from multiple directions, making the patio as cool as possible in Summer with natural ventilation.
Another added bonus to flyover patios is the extra height that it gives you. This creates a more open space in your entertaining area, giving you that true outdoor feel and creating an open, enjoyable atmosphere. The extra height also allows you to safely install patio ceiling accessories such as lighting and ceiling fans, increasing your comfort with a space that can be enjoyed day and night, all year round.
Flyover brackets penetrate the existing house roof and attach to the top plate of the house wall for considerable strength. As shown in the images, this creates a ‘stump post’ look ,projecting from the house roof. The maximum height of this bracket is 600mm and the roof penetration is sealed with a flashing. The lifter brackets will act as a sky light, keeping the area as well-lit as possible. Pair that with some downlights and you will have a bright entertaining area all day long.
Learn more about Stratco flyover patios or contact us for expert advice.