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Get Your Garden Ready For Spring
Spring Gardening Notes
Blog Posted: August 12th 2019
Although it doesn’t seem like it right now, winter is coming to an end and I know we will all be looking forward to some nicer weather in spring. Spring is one of the best times of the year to be out in your garden but what should we be doing in our gardens now so they are prepared for spring time.
Weeding is one of those gardening jobs that no one loves and winter sees an influx of weeds in the garden, lawn and paths. If tackled early on you will reap the benefits come spring and stop the weeds from getting out of control. August is a good time to apply a weed killer as we start to see a few nice sunny days in between the cold wet ones, and you need to make sure weed killer is not applied if it is likely to rain in the hours after you have sprayed.
Brunnings Fast Action Weedkiller is a rapid acting weed killer that will show visible results in 24 hours. It is suitable for paths, driveways, garden beds, lawn edges and rockeries. The Fast Action formulation kill all weeds it contacts but is non-residual enabling plants to be grown in the treated area, normally within 14 days of treatment.
Or if you want to deal with the weeds on your lawn- Brunnings Feed’ N Weed is a great alternative to the fast action weed killer as it will feed lawns while selectively killing broadleaf weeds including clover, dandelion, dock, thistles, capeweed, bindii and lambs tongue. Weeds are killed slowly over a period of 3-4 weeks without damaging your lawn.
Applying a fertiliser to your lawn and plants is another important job for the end of winter. You want to be able to take advantage of the late August rain as well as the upcoming warmer weather once we hit September.
Brunnings All Purpose NPK Fertiliser is a premium, fully granular NPK complex fertiliser that contains both slow release and fast acting ingredients for quick results and extended feeding. Great to use for most plants, trees and shrubs.
Or Sudden Impact for Lawns is a great option to use on your lawns. It is an organic based, chemically boosted fertiliser specially developed for new and established lawns along with other non-flowering plants such as palms, ferns and conifers, as well as leafy vegetables and herbs. Sudden Impact for Lawns is blended in a granular form. Its organic base provides a full range of plant nutrients in a slow release form, whilst the carefully selected water- soluble nutrients have been added to maximise the performance of each application.
With a new season on the horizon it’s time to look at those veggie gardens and get them ready to plant for spring. Visit your local Stratco garden centre and check out our Home Harvest range of edible herbs and veggies. You will find the latest seasons range to help get your garden started. Our expert staff are also on hand to help you select the best herbs and vegetables.