HIA Apprentice of the Year 2021

Dec 20 2021
Blog HIA Winner Feature 01

Congratulations Brett Ackland: 2021 HIA Housing Awards, Apprentice of the Year

HIA Housing Awards

The HIA Awards, which are presented annually, exist to reward excellence throughout the housing industry. Amongst the diverse range of regional categories, there is a category for apprentice awards to recognise and inspire the next generation the future of the industry.

Apprentice of the Year – Partnered by Stratco

As long-time supporters of HIA Apprentices nationally, Stratco were excited to be part of the HIA’s South Australian 50th anniversary Housing Award held at the Convention Centre last Saturday night. We congratulate all the nominees and winners of these prestigious awards, especially the 2021 South Australian Apprentice of the Year, Brett Ackland, apprentice with Harvey Builders.

Brett is a model apprentice with an exceptional work attitude with no job being too small. Brett applies himself consistently throughout the workday across various tasks. Brett shows a high level of competence, representing his host well. He follows instructions and communicates with both peers and clients on all levels, showing maturity beyond his years. Brett is an integral part of Harvey Builders, showing his passion for the trade by buying and renovating his own caravan and home. Brett shows he has what it takes to be a leader in this industry.

Congratulations and well done Brett!

Training Opportunity: Certificate ll in Construction – Steel Framing

The HIA have also partnered with Carey Training and Stratco to help create more great apprentices like Brett, by providing a Certificate ll in Construction – Steel Framing in order to help young people who are still looking for the right future profession for them. See Carey Training for more information.

About The Housing Industry Association 

The Housing Industry Association has maintained and upheld its vision from their establishment in June 1965, which was, and still is, to present a unified front on industry issues to create tangible change in services and costs for their now over 40,000 members. The HIA proudly exhibit their National Code of Conduct, which all HIA members agree to abide by which helps in maintaining the high regulatory standards the HIA prides themselves on, which are competence, fairness, honest, and integrity. Stratco are proud to continue our partnership with the HIA, investing in the future of the building and construction industry.