Safety first: How to Stay Safe During Your DIY Projects
Posted on: July 10, 2015
Before you get started on your dream project, there is one question you must always ask yourself - is it better to get a professional to do this job?
Remember Tim Taylor from Home Improvement? The DIY buff would venture out on ambitious projects that often led to rather comical results, not to mention the unfortunate accidents he suffered along the way. His antics included getting electrocuted several times, setting fire to a music system, knocking a guest on his show with a wooden plank, falling through the roof, getting his forehead stuck to a table with super glue, a nail gun that went wild and a washing machine that spun out of control while he was working on it.
While Tim Allen's portrayal made the character come to life, the magic of television ensured that the man himself remain unharmed. However, real-life DIYers may not be so lucky, so it is important that you take responsibility for your own safety.
Before you get started on your dream project, there is one question you must always ask yourself - is it better to get a professional to do this job? Only proceed with an idea if you are completely confident that you won't suffer Tim Taylor's fate.
Here are some basic tools and tips to help you stay safe during your DIY adventures:
1. Safety goggles
Every enthusiast needs a pair of these. Protective goggles are essential when it comes to working with glass or spray paint. Also, never use tools such as power saws without appropriate eye protection.
According to Optometry Australia, the most common causes of DIY-related eye injuries occur due to factors like impact, dust, chemicals and heat.
2. Working with electricity
Doing your own electrical work if you are not appropriately qualified is not only unwise, but also illegal.
The risk involved is too high - in fact, more than 1,400 people in Australia were hospitalised as a result of an electrical injury during the two year period 2002- 2004 according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Even seemingly simple tasks can be dangerous, so it is best to contact a licenced electrician for such jobs.
3. Check your ladder
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission states, in 2012 close to 1,700 Australians were hospitalised due to falls from ladders - alarmingly 85 per cent of these accidents happened around the home.
Before you pull out your rusty ladder or get on a chair or stool to change that bulb, consider that a good quality ladder can go a long way.
4. Slow down
You may be in a hurry to finish your project on time, or maybe you are a DIY dad eager to show off the finished product to your family - but rushing the job is likely to result in an accident. It is best to know your limits. Don't bite off more than you can chew and take it slow.
5. Keep it real
Tim Taylor had his trusty assistant Al by his side, which wasn't a bad thing considering he helped Tim Taylor stay out of hospital many times. Take a leaf out of the Home Improvement book and ask a friend or family member to help out with your project.
6. Ask the experts
As a DIYer, you would understand that excited feeling of waking up in the middle of the night with a stellar idea to transform some space in your house into a beautiful sanctuary. If you know what you want but are struggling with the tools and expertise needed to get there, it is best to visit a quality hardware store like Stratco. We have an extensive range of products and knowledgeable experts who will only be too happy to help you.
If you need ideas, help or advice for a DIY project, or simply want to understand how to take better care of your home, it is best to drop by at your nearest store for some inspiration. Keep visiting our blog for the latest home improvement tips.