Summer Gardening Sponsored By Brunnings

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Summer Gardening

Summer is the time where we spend more time outside enjoying the weather having BBQ’s and spending time with family and friends.  Having your garden and home looking great can be simple with these few tips.

Lawn grubs

In late summer it is common you may notice odd shaped brown patches where your grass has thinned and turned brown. This could mean your lawn is under attack by lawn grubs.  It is always good practice to treat your lawn before the grubs have had a chance to start their eating and dead grass becomes more visible. We suggest using Multicrop Eco Grub 3in1 at the start of summer not only is it an organic insecticide which contains natural eucalyptus and tea tree oil it also acts a fertiliser to help green your lawn and has wetting agents to assist in saving water. The perfect solution for a perfect lawn in summer.

Mulch up


It is also important to mulch your garden during the summer months. Mulching will help reduce moisture loss  from the soil surface, aiding plant growth and reducing the need to water. It also suppresses weed growth, which reduces competition for water and nutrients. It also decreases the amount of weeding time the gardener has to put  into maintenance. Try using the 90L  Feed and Mulch Block, which also includes a slow release fertiliser, which will feed your garden and slowly break down in your garden.  Easy to use simply just add  water to expand to a 90L premium grade coir mulch.

Watch those creepy crawlies


Summer is also the season when the creepy crawlies come out searching for food to store over the winter.  For Ants, we suggest David Grays Antex Insecticide Granules, it is a highly effective, fast-acting product that kills ants on contact. David Grays, Antex Insecticide Granules provides barrier protection to control ants outside before they get inside your home.  If they do find themselves in the kitchen, try David Gray’s Antex Bait. Simply put the bait station on the window ledge and it will and attract the ants. Ants will take the bait back to the nest undetected and will kill the queen and the nest.


For Spiders and Cockroaches we suggest using a barrier spray such as Brunnings 2L Outdoor Surface Spray which can be effective to keep the these pests away from your outside entertaining area and inside your home.  This double action ready to use spray will kill and repel household pests by forming a barrier around the home.  Suggest spraying all around your window ledges, patios, pergolas and outside furniture when the weather starts warming up.

Fly fly go away

LG-44907_01.jpgLet us not forgot the flies with so much rain over the spring, fly numbers are expected to be higher than normal due to the perfect breeding conditions.  Try using “The Buzz Disposal Fly Trap.  Flies are drawn to the trap where they will become trapped and drowned.  It is poison free and requires only water with the highly effective bait attractant.  Will last up to 4 weeks and perfect for garden and patio. Plus don’t forget to buy spare traps for that summer camping trip.