Show Us Your Best Dennis

Blog NPD Novw c5 Feature 02

ONE Way To Win This National Patio Day

As an Australian sports commentator, Dennis Cometti is known for his famous one-liners with great wit and brilliant quick thinking. Show Us Your Best Dennis by commentating your favourite backyard activity like Dennis to win. Here are some of our favourite one-liners from Dennis to inspire you:

  • "Centimetre perfect"
  • He "went into that last pack optimistically and came out misty optically"
  • "So it’s back to the old drawing board. Obviously, a luxury that the guy who invented the drawing board didn’t have", 
  • "There is something magnetic about his aura. He should be covered in fridge magnets."

Show us your best Dennis on either Facebook or Instagram to win:

  • First Prize: Vuly Ultra M Trampoline valued at $1,050
  • Second Prize: Beefeater BUGG BBQ valued at $700
  • Third Prize: National Patio Day Pop Up Patio
  • We will also give away one $50 Stratco voucher for the best entry each fortnight.

See our first, second and third winners so far, or seek inspiration from Dennis himself. 

HowTo Enter:

You can enter on either Facebook or Instagram. We have created a Facebook Camera National Patio Day Frame just for you! Use it for your entry and see what it's like to commentate just like Dennis Cometti.

Use The Facebook Camera Frame

Facebook – By posting on the Entrant’s Facebook Page, tagging the Stratco Facebook page (@stratco) in an unrestricted public post. The Entrant’s Facebook account privacy must be set to public and not private.; or

Instagram – By posting on the Entrant’s Instagram Page and including #nationalpatioday in an unrestricted public post. The Entrant’s Instagram account privacy must be set to public and not private.

We cannot wait to see what you come up with!