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- Water Based Bitumen 1L

About this product
Crommelin BLACKSEAL HEAVY DUTY Bitumen Waterproofing Membrane is a synthetic rubber co-polymer modified waterproofing membrane engineered for use in sub-grade areas and where not exposed to UV. BLACKSEAL is a heavy duty, effective and economical waterproofing membrane designed for areas that do not require painting, tiling over or a finishing coat. BLACKSEAL is extremely strong and remains highly flexible, even under the most demanding of waterproofing situations. BLACKSEAL is easy to apply and remains water tight under permanently wet conditions.
- Prevents damage, efflorescence, mould growth, staining and paint peeling associated with moisture transfer
- Excellent adhesion to substrates
- Economical, fast drying and easy to use. May be diluted with up to 50% water to produce a bitumen paint.
- Non-toxic, non-flammable
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