Brunnings 2.7L Hose On Feed N Weed


SKU: LG-46433

$14.99 EA
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About this product

Brunnings Feed N Weed Hose On 2.7L is a convenient and effective way to fertilize and control weeds in your garden. Simply attach the hose to the bottle and spray it directly onto your lawn or garden beds. This product is ideal for homeowners who want a quick and easy solution for maintaining a healthy and weed-free garden. Brunnings Feed N Weed Hose On 2.7L is an excellent choice for gardeners who want to simplify their lawn care routine while ensuring that their plants are healthy and weed-free.

  • This product is both a fertilizer and weed killer, making it a great choice for gardeners who want to save time and effort
  • The slow-release formula ensures that your plants receive a steady supply of nutrients over several weeks
  • This product can kill a variety of common weeds, including dandelions, clover, and bindii
  • This product is safe for pets once it has dried, so you don't have to worry about your furry friends getting sick
  • Treats up to 173m2
Technical Specifications