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Blue Moon Spathiphyllum 200mm Pot

SKU: LG-32844

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About this product

A medium-sized, leafy indoor plant with dark green leaves that have a wavy edge around classic, white flowers. Grown for its lush green strappy leaves and beautiful long-lasting blooms that are gracefully held on long stems and last for weeks! Perfect when cut and arranged in glass vases.

  • Remove spent flowers and all dead leaves as required by cutting their stems close to the base to keep your plant looking its best
  • Beautiful long lasting blooms
  • Fast growing, low maintenance, clumping plant
  • Best grown indoors where it is protected from cold winters
  • Avoid placing around heating units or airconditioners
Technical Specifications
Planting ConditionsIndirect sunlight in well drained soil
Watering RequirementsCheck the soil to feel for moisture prior to watering. Keep moist but not soaked

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