Tilt Garage Doors


SKU: Tilt-Garage-Doors

Tilt Garage Doors use pivoting arms to move a single panel door. The pivoting arms shift the door so it is moved into the ceiling space when in the open position. This is done by moving the door out and up from the closed position. Whether you want to install it yourself or require assistance, we are here to help. Contact us for pricing and further details today.

Tilt Garage Doors

Strong, smooth and quiet tilt garage doors

Stratco Garage Doors are one of the few local manufactures of tilt doors. All of our huge range of hinges and tracks are hot dipped galvanised so they will never rust.

Panels are available as modern looking sectional door panels through to the inexpensive K-panel or an even cheaper Zincalume panel. Tilt Garage Doors feature a very rigid construction and are made locally.

Stratco Tilt Garage Doors feature:

  • Galvanised steel heavy duty Hinges
  • Super smooth and quiet
  • Stylish designs
  • Colour coded rivets
  • Powder coating available
  • Solid T-Handle lock sets
  • Motors designed for tilt doors
  • Optional Belt Drive rail

Garage Door Accessories

Emergency Key Release

Used in case of malfunction or power failure, the emergency key release is especially useful if there is no other access into the garage.

Battery Back-Up

Also used in case of malfunction or power failure, the battery back-up allows electronic operation of your garage door.

Digital Keyless Entry Wireless Keypad

The digital keyless entry wireless keypad allows entry into your garage from outside if a hand transmitter is not available. A keypad with cover that can be programmed with codes from 1 to 6 digits for maximum security, includes a back-light for your convenience when used in poor lighting situations.

Garage Doors Digital Keypad

Multi-Function Hand Transmitter

A multi-function hand transmitter may be used for up to four individual doors and gates.

Photo Eye Protection

Our Silent Guard non-contact reversing system transmits an invisible light across the inside of your garage door opening, providing added protection against a door operating when a car or person is in the door opening area.

Garage Doors Photo Eye Protection