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133-142 of 142 results for 'patio'

Transform your outdoor area with Euro Alfresco kitchens. Get tips on designing stylish and functional outdoor kitchens, and explore the benefits of alfresco living

Welcome to the September garden notes. It's officially spring, and while we are still going to experience some cold and damp weather, there has been a noticeable shift in the climate. We've enjoyed

Well, here we are in December again! I’m not sure where the year has gone, and although I know I’m getting older, the years seem to fly past with incredible speed. Now that Christmas is almost upon

Autumn Is Here! Here we are in March already, and didn’t February go out in style!! I hope your gardens all survived that stretch of very hot weather. This month has started quite mild but March can

Autumn is here already, my favourite season, and the time of year when the list of things to do in the garden gets so much bigger. Now is definitely the best time of year to plant trees and shrubs.

A teepee tent is a simple solution to providing outdoor activities that also helps reduce the health risk associated with exposure to the sun.

Autumn is upon us already, personally my favourite season, with the cooler weather, it brings with it a growing list of ‘to dos’ in the garden. Always Think A Season Ahead Autumn is definitely the

Welcome to our notes for June, it’s hard to believe that it’s winter and we’re halfway through the year already! The skies have finally opened, and we’ve had some reasonable falls this past week, but

If you have any concerns your roofing may have been damaged in a recent storm, you might need to assess your roof for damage. 

When looking at colours for your decking, there are more options than ever before to choose from. For many years the common decking colours have been variations of brown. In recent times we’ve seen