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25-28 of 28 results for 'weed and feed'

Autumn Is Coming! Hello and welcome to the February Garden Notes. Our weather is a little changeable at the moment and while cooler days are appreciated by both us and our gardens the main thing to

Welcome to the garden notes for May. This is the month in which we celebrate a very important occasion, Mother’s Day! Firstly, to all mothers, from everyone at Stratco, we wish you a very happy

Autumn is upon us already, personally my favourite season, with the cooler weather, it brings with it a growing list of ‘to dos’ in the garden. Always Think A Season Ahead Autumn is definitely the

Welcome to our October blog, it looks like we’re in for a very warm rest of spring and summer going by the weather we’ve had so far, although some cooler showery days ahead this week. October is the