Outback® Sunroof Louvre Patio


SKU: Outback-Sunroof

Take control of the weather with the innovative Stratco Outback Sunroof Louvre Patio. Open and close the louvres with an electronic control or manual crank, to your desired position. Let the sunlight in when the weather is fine. Provide protection when the clouds set in. Your opening and closing louvre patio will be custom designed and made to suit your exact requirements. Whether you want to build it yourself or have it installed, we are here to help. Contact us for pricing and further details today

Outback Sunroof Patio

Control at your fingertips for the best of your weather

Control your outdoor living weather with the innovative Stratco Outback Sunroof Patio. Its louvres can be opened and closed to your desired position with the use of an electronic control or manual crank system. Let the breeze and sunlight in when the weather is fine, and provide protection when the clouds set in.

By adjusting the rotating louvres, you can easily control the level of sunlight, shade and weather shielding. The system has an inbuilt rain sensor that will automatically close the blades if rain is detected when you choose the electronic control option. When the louvres are completely shut they form a beautiful ceiling-like interlocking profile that protects you from the weather.

Available Colours

Outback® Framing

View the Outback® Colour Chart for full range of available colours in your state.

Gives you effortless control of the breeze and sunlight in fine weather, and excellent protection when the weather turns.

Convenient Control

Control the level of sunlight, shade and weather shielding by adjusting the rotating louvre blades with the hand held remote or manual crank. The louvres can be rotated to the fully open position to allow for complete overhead sun, or partially open to provide shade and protection with good ventilation. The opening direction of the louvres can be aligned in any one of four directions during installation to optimise light and ventilation control.

Patios Verandah Outback Sunroof Louvre Position 1
Patios Verandah Outback Sunroof Louvre Position 3
Patios Verandah Outback Sunroof Louvre Position 4
Patios Verandah Outback Sunroof Louvre Position 2

Automated Intelligence

When choosing the electronic control option, rain is detected by a rain sensor that automatically closes the louvres. When the louvres are in the closed position, they form an interlocking profile that provides protection from the weather.

Superior Design

The Stratco Outback Sunroof is available in a flat and gable design. It can span up to 3.9 metres for flat, and 7.2 metres for gable designs thanks to its strong, well-engineered blades. The powder coated aluminium blades have an inbuilt weather strip to reduce noise and form a tight seal. The moving parts use specially designed bushes for whisper quiet performance, and the blades are driven by a powerful 24 volt DC linear actuator for reliable long life operation.


Attention to detail ensures the Stratco Outback Sunroof installation proceeds smoothly:

  • The louvre blades come pre-assembled with a foam core and end caps.
  • The mounting extrusions that house them have laser cut holes for the louvres to fit easily into the framework.
  • The tracks are pre-mitred and cut to length to reduce the overall installation time.
  • The system clips and fastens together with specially designed, snap-fitted components.

Do it yourself or have it installed by an Authorised Outback Dealer.

Contact your nearest Stratco Home Improvement Store or Authorised Outback Dealer and let us show you the difference a Stratco Outback living solution can make to your home and lifestyle!

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Sunroof Page

Stratco Outback®Stratco Outback Logo
Verandahs | Patios | Carports | Pergolas | Sunroof.

Your Outdoor Lifestyle

Experience the best of outdoor living with a Stratco Outback® Verandah, Patio or Carport. Open your home to the outside and create a patio space that can be enjoyed throughout the year. Under a Stratco Outback Patio you are protected from the elements, expanding your possibilities for entertaining, storage or enjoying your garden.

Strip Outback Range

Invest In Market Leading Quality

Available in a wide range of high gloss colours to complement your home, the Stratco Outback Patio features the sturdy Outback Deck, a steel roofing sheet with a clean, smooth underside that has a 'ceiling-like' finish.

This unique roofing material can span up to 4.5 metres, allowing the support beams to be placed far apart for a clean, uncluttered finish to your patio. The structure is formed with strong and elegant, chamfered and fluted beams and columns. Matching gutters tie the system together, while hidden fixing points and concealed brackets complete the smooth and refined appearance.

Your lifestyle, your choice, your design combination.

Design Flexibility - As Unique As You

Design freedom is central to the versatile Stratco Outback Verandah. Your Stratco Outback is custom designed and made for your exact requirements. You can choose from flat, gable, curved or opening roof, in either attached or freestanding. Or you can choose a combination of styles in a wide range of colours to suit your home, budget and lifestyle.

Outback Evolution - Modern Design Features

Patios Outback Edge Gutter

Edge Gutters. Striking architectural profile for a modern appearance.

Patios Outback Aluminium Timber Print Column

Larger Columns. Chunkier columns including 100 x 100mm steel and a 140 x 140mm extruded aluminium timber vinyl print column wrap for a premium look and low maintenance upkeep.

Outback Carports

Enjoy the feeling of entering a cool car on a hot day or avoiding a drenching when trying to bring the shopping in. All of the Outback range is suitable for installation as a carport.

You can express your personality with Stratco’s incredible range of designs and colours, and with the neat, beautiful finish only available on an Outback Patio, you can be sure you are showing your best front to the street. Choose from freestanding or house attached designs to really enhance the value and comfort of your home.

Genuine Peace Of MindStratco-Outback-Warranty-25-Years.png

Your durable Stratco Outback Patio will be a lasting and satisfying investment giving you many years of enjoyment.

It is protected by our own 25 year structural warranty (conditions apply), and when installed by an Authorised Outback Dealer you are covered by a one year installation warranty.

The Stratco Outback range has been thoroughly engineered and tested to comply with all relevant Australian Standards. The major components are made from strong high tensile steel, while the fixings and brackets are galvanised for a long useable life.

Get excited about painting your dream, your way.

Variety Of Colour Combinations

Stratco Outback Colours

The beautiful Stratco Outback range offers seven high gloss framework colours, a variety of high gloss cladding colour options and over 20 gutter colours to match or contrast with your existing home.

So whether you choose calming hues for your haven or bold tones for your entertaining area, or even filtered light for your family space, you will find a colour combination that's just right for you.

Speak to your Outback consultant for more ideas and colour samples.

Stratco is the only major manufacturer of verandahs, patios and carports that has a nationwide chain of home improvement stores and a highly professional network of Authorised Dealers. So you can be sure we have your outdoor lifestyle needs covered.

Talk to Stratco when making a decision about the best verandah or patio for your home. There is a location near you with stores in every major city including Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin and Brisbane. Stratco have all the design and installation advice to make the process easy.

Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to maintain the good looks of all Stratco steel products and to ensure you receive the maximum life-span possible in your area. Washing with clean water must be frequent enough to prevent the accumulation of dust, salts, and pollutants or any other material that will reduce the life of the product. Stratco steel products that are regularly washed by rain require no additional maintenance. No Stratco steel structure or materials are recommended for use over, or in close proximity, to swimming pools or spas. No material that retains water (such as dirt or paving sand) should be placed against the columns. Care must be taken when determining the location of Stratco steel products so that they are not placed in close contact with sources of pollution or environmental factors that could affect the life of the steel. Refer to the 'Selection, Use and Maintenance' brochure for more information.


Maximum Allowable Lourve Spans (mm)
  N1 (W28) N2 (W33) W36N N3 (W41) N4 (W50)
Attached One Side 3900 3900 3900 3600 3000
Corner Attached 3900 3900 3600 3300 2700
Freestanding 3900 3900 3900 3900 3600

Values shown are for the outside of the Sunroof perimeter beams.

Note: The above table specifies the maximum allowable louvre spans which are not to be exceeded. For type 4 units with rotated blades the beam spacing for the appropriate closed section must be within these spans for the appropriate attachment style.

Maximum Spans (S) (mm) - Attached
  Type 1A Type 3A Type 4A
150 Beam 150 Beam 150 Beam
Wind Speed Attached
One Side
One Side
One Side
N1 (W28) 3900 3900 6600 6600 6600 6600
N2 (W33) 3900 3900 6600 6600 6600 6600
W36N 3900 3600 6600 6600 6600 6600
N3 (W41) 3600 3300 6600 5400 6600* 6000
N4 (W50) 3000 2700 6600* 4800 6600* 4800

* Maximum height to the top of beam is limited to 2700mm.

Maximum Spans (S) (mm) - Freestanding
  Type 1F Type 3F Type 4F
Wind Speed 150 Beam 150 Beam 150 Beam
N1 (W28) 3900 6600 7200
N2 (W33) 3900 6600 7200
W36N 3900 6600 7200
N3 (W41) 3900 6600 7200
N4 (W50) 3600 6600† 7200

† Columns into concrete only.

Connection Details

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Sunroof Connection


  1. Louvre
  2. 150 Outback Beam
  3. Internal Box Gutter
  4. Link Rod
  5. Link Pin
  6. Mounting Bush
  7. Column
  8. Mounting Extrusion
  9. Motor
  10. Motor Bracket
  11. Motor Flashing
  12. Beam End Cap
  13. Post Cap
  14. Notched Beam Filler
  15. Beam to Beam Bracket
  16. Post Bracket
  17. Motor Louvre Flashing
  18. Gutter Side Mounting Extrusion

Louvre Details

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Sunroof Louvre 1

Louvre Profile

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Sunroof Louvre 2

Louvre Lapping Details

Structural Sections

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Component Beam 2

150mm Beam

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Component Post 1

Post | Purlin

Design Considerations

Gable or curved units attached between a Sunroof unit and an existing structure

Gable or curved units which are attached between a Sunroof unit (excluding pergolas) and an existing house, are only to be considered attached if the gable or curved unit is attached to the existing house (C) for its full length (L) and the longest side of the combined unit (B) does not exceed twice the gable or curved unit length (L). The Sunroof unit in this case is considered attached. This style requires all columns to be embedded into footings.

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Sunroof Configuration

The unit is considered attached if:  B = 2 L or less, and C = L

Gable or curved units attached to a Sunroof unit on one or both sides

Gable or curved units which are attached on one or both sides to Sunroof units, (excluding pergolas) must be attached to a house for at least 75% of the gable or curved opening length (O) to be considered attached. Sunroof units must be deemed attached as detailed in the Sunroof unit section below for the gable or curved unit to be considered attached.

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Sunroof Configuration

The gable | curved unit is considered attached if:  C = 0.75 of O or more

Gable or curved units are considered attached on both sides if both the Sunroof unit 1 and 2 comply with the attachment rules for Sunroof units as detailed below. Gable or curved units are considered attached on one side if only one Sunroof unit exists and it complies with the attachment rules for Sunroof units as detailed below.

Sunroof units

A patio or carport is deemed to be freestanding unless it is attached to an existing house (C) for at least 75% of the length of its shortest side (A), and its longest side (B) does not exceed twice the length of its shortest side.

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Sunroof Configuration

The unit is considered attached if:  B = 2 A or less, and C = 0.75 A or more

Design Options

When designing an Outback Patio, consideration should be given to both the roof sheet direction, and the orientation of any openings and overhangs involved. These are often determined by appearence and drainage requirements. Some of the normal configurations are shown below. Contact Stratco if assistance is required.

Attached to a Sunroof unit on one side and a wall or fascia on one end.

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Sunroof Configuration

Attached both sides to the Sunroof unit and the wall or fascia on the opposite side.

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Sunroof Configuration

Attached to the Sunroof unit on both sides and the wall or fascia on one end.

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Sunroof Configuration