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13-24 of 31 results for 'fertiliser'

Now that the flowers are blossoming and warmer weather is approaching, it is the perfect time to put those gardening gloves on! September is the best time of the year for green thumbs with mild

It’s now November, the “Cups” been run and won and we’re just about to have the Pageant (sort of anyway) which signals the start of the run into Christmas as well as the approach of summer. This generally means higher temperatures although so far we’ve been lucky and had a fairly mild and dampish sp

Are you after an easy way to grow herbs and vegetables at the moment? Try grabbing your salad straight from the garden in a Stratco Raised Garden bed that can be right outside your door.

If you looking to reduce your waste and create a valuable resource for your garden, composting is a great option. Composting is the process of transforming organic materials, such as kitchen scraps

Autumn Is Coming! Hello and welcome to the February Garden Notes. Our weather is a little changeable at the moment and while cooler days are appreciated by both us and our gardens the main thing to

Here are some expert tips on how to tackle those gardening tasks in June.

We talk with one of Stratco's shed manufacturers

Are you tired of having limited outdoor space but still want to add some greenery to your surroundings? Look no further than Jack Mix 'n' Match Garden Up® products! A vertical garden is a unique and

Here are some tips to ensure your vegetable garden is prosperous and lasting.

Autumn Is Here! Here we are in March already, and didn’t February go out in style!! I hope your gardens all survived that stretch of very hot weather. This month has started quite mild but March can

Autumn is upon us already, personally my favourite season, with the cooler weather, it brings with it a growing list of ‘to dos’ in the garden. Always Think A Season Ahead Autumn is definitely the

Welcome to our notes for July, it’s hard to believe that we’re hallway through the year already! Sadly, mostly because I’m getting older and feel it more, the cold is with us too! The last couple of