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1-12 of 31 results for 'fertiliser'

Charlie Carp is an organic liquid fish fertiliser that enriches your garden with micro and macro nutrients to promote growth, whilst simultaneously stabilising the Australian ecosystem. This savvy

Find out the best ways to look after that lawn and be prepared before we head into the summer months.

Things are really starting to happen in gardens in October, new growth is showing everywhere particularly in our lawns.

Prepare yourself for spring with these expert garden products.

Autumn Gardening Autumn has arrived as we slowly say goodbye to the summer days over the coming weeks. Autumn presents many opportunities in the garden to prepare for the inevitable cooler change in

Now is the perfect time to get started on planting your winter vegetables - Phil Gepps Cross, Horticulturist

Spring is here, it's time to bring your garden back to life! It seems like we’ve been waiting forever to see the end of our very cold winter, and while we’re still going to get some cooler showery

Welcome to the September garden notes. It's officially spring, and while we are still going to experience some cold and damp weather, there has been a noticeable shift in the climate. We've enjoyed

Summer Gardening Summer is the time where we spend more time outside enjoying the weather having BBQ’s and spending time with family and friends.  Having your garden and home looking great can be

Hello and welcome to our April Garden notes. We’re on the run into Easter, traditionally one of the busiest gardening weekends of the year.

Some helpful tips to maintain your gardens health throughout winter. Including fertilising, pruning and repotting.

Three Easter project ideas to get you out in the garden.