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25-31 of 31 results for 'fertiliser'

It’s almost impossible to pick the weather at the moment, one day we’re sweltering in over 30-degree heat, and the next we’re digging in the wardrobe for a jumper! Riding The Weather Waves A positive

Christmas Is Nearly Here! I’m not sure where the days and months have gone, but another year has almost passed and we’re into December already! Our thoughts turn toward Christmas and what we need to

Vertical gardens have gained popularity as a striking and sustainable way to bring nature into people’s homes and properties in an unconventional, modern way. These living artworks not only enhance

I’m not sure where the days and months have gone, but another year has come and gone and we’re into December already! It’s now time to start preparing for Christmas and what we need to do before the big day, so let’s look at a few things in the garden that might need some attention too.

Easy step by step guide to creating great compost.

Hello, and welcome to a brand-new year, Let’s take a look at what's happening in January and what to do in the garden this month.

Frost can be a gardener's worst enemy, especially in the colder months. Depending on where you’re located in Australia, our mornings can usually get quite chilly. Frost can damage or kill your plants