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1-9 of 9 results for 'Hydrangea'

It’s December and we’re now in the home straight heading for Christmas! Where did the year go? Let’s have a look at a couple of things that you can do in the garden and around the home this month to prepare.

Enjoy this time in your gardens as it is one of the best times of the year, but with more sunshine don’t forget to be “sun smart”. Wear protective clothing, apply sunscreen and hydrate well. Next month we’ll talk about getting your gardens ready for Christmas!

Now that the flowers are blossoming and warmer weather is approaching, it is the perfect time to put those gardening gloves on! September is the best time of the year for green thumbs with mild

Spring Has Sprung! Isn’t the current weather interesting? The long weekend was fine and sunny, beautiful gardening weather, then Tuesday I'm back to wearing a jacket and beanie because it’s been

Christmas Is Coming! Another month has slid by and we are starting the run towards Christmas, a sure sign being the Pageant happening this Saturday. Not sure where the year goes! Typical spring

Another month has slid by and we are starting the run towards Christmas, a sure sign being the Pageant happening last Saturday. Not sure where the year goes! We are about to enter a period of pretty

Christmas Is Nearly Here! I’m not sure where the days and months have gone, but another year has almost passed and we’re into December already! Our thoughts turn toward Christmas and what we need to

Well, here we are in December again! I’m not sure where the year has gone, and although I know I’m getting older, the years seem to fly past with incredible speed. Now that Christmas is almost upon

I’m not sure where the days and months have gone, but another year has come and gone and we’re into December already! It’s now time to start preparing for Christmas and what we need to do before the big day, so let’s look at a few things in the garden that might need some attention too.